Dora Hegedus

Droa Hegedus Website
Senior Consultant

Dora Hegedus provides support and challenges to executives and teams. Her special coaching areas are leadership roles, strategic thinking, burnout, conflict management and negotiations, interpersonal relations. She started coaching in 2007 with 14 years of corporate carrier and NGO leadership experience. She’s co-founder and trainer of ACTP coach trainings in Budapest and München. She was elected member of the ICF EMEA Regional Advisory Council, and founder/president of ICF Hungary and of the Federation of Hungarian Coach Organizations. Her contribution to the global coaching profession was acknowledged in 2012 by the ICF President’s Award.

Dora holds a master diploma in business administration and a specialized legal postgraduate degree for economists. She is a PCC certified coach with over 2,500 coaching. She graduated as Gestalt therapist at at the Norsk Gestaltinstitutt.