Diversity, Equity & Inclusion

Leadership Development Program „Courageous Inclusion“

The need to belong refers to a deeply rooted human emotional need. Being accepted by colleagues or being part of a team for instance triggers the belongingness in a positive way. Research proved that a diverse and inclusive culture created many benefits in organizations. Examples are:

Improved employee belonging and engagement

Increased team effectiveness and creativity

Better retention and attraction of talent

Improved organizational health and vitality

If organizations don’t decide to make progress in their Diversity, Equity & Inclusion (DEI) efforts, what are the costs of exclusion?

According to the American Psychological Association, “the pain of being excluded is not so different from the pain of physical injury… and has serious implications for an individual’s psychological state and for society in general.” The Harvard Business Review found out that 40% of employees feel excluded.

Considering these facts, we created a road-map approach which helps organizations to increase inclusivity in their culture and create a workplace where everyone feels they belong.

Information about the program can be found here: Courageous Inclusion Overview

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Arzu Gruetzner
Arzu Grützner
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