Coaching Formats by fgi
Our coaching product portfolio
Executive Coaching
The top executives of a company are subject to the highest demands and are confronted with the full dynamics of the markets and competition. At the same time, they are role models and have a great impact on the corporate culture. Executive Coaching is the appropriate format for targeted development in selected topics to meet these high demands and to raise individual potential and develop a learning mindset.
Feedback Coaching
Raise your awareness of the impact you have on others. This is the only way you can actually be effective in your leadership role and exert the intended influence on your employees, for example. We use feedback from others to integrate the different perspectives and expand your options for action. This also involves your own so-called blind spots and the question of how you can use your strengths more successfully and do justice to your leadership role.
Transition Coaching
Leadership changes are not only decisive stations in the individual career of a manager. They also represent key situations with strategic significance for companies. We developed the fgi Leadership Transition concept more than 20 years ago and have since successfully supported several thousand executives in their start in their new position. In doing so, we gear our support to the specific requirements and individual situation of the executive - whether top executive manager or junior executive.
Leadership Excellence Coaching
Even experienced leaders will repeatedly encounter demanding situations that confront them with new challenges. These can be, for example, conflicts with interfaces, difficult team constellations or the management of a change process. In such cases, coaching is the right tool to quickly and specifically develop the mindset and competencies. Our coaches are flexible in their roles as co-creators, sparring partners, communication experts or consultants - just as the coaching process requires.